The neuro-ophthalmology service takes care of
patients with loss of vision, double vision, eye movement abnormalities,
orbital syndromes, and ophthalmologic problems related but not limited
to cerebro vascular diseases, tumor, head trauma, neurodegenerative
diseases, infection, and inflammation. In addition to comprehensive
clinical assessment of visual acuity, pupil, anterior and posterior
segment, eye movement, and eye alignment.
The Neuro-Ophthalmology Unit of the Nethra eye care specializes in
patients with problems related to visual acuity, pupil, anterior and
posterior segment, eye movement, and eye alignment.
Typical Conditions Treated:
• Optic nerve disorders, such as optic neuritis
• Visual field defects related to stroke or MS
• Double vision from ocular motor nerve palsies
• Orbital tumors
• Blepharospasm and other involuntary facial movements
• Pupillary abnormalities